Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Resolution

I am a little unsure about calling my plans for 2013 resolutions to be honest with you. New Years Resolution, almost by default, means something you try and then fail at. Dreadful as it is to say, I suspect that almost no one keeps to their resolutions for more than a month, some times an awful lot less. I know I never have. But then again, I have always tried to do something that appears to be huge, that I don't particularly want to do, such as losing 4 stone, which then naturally means eating no cake. Losing 4 stone is a scarily big amount! And I really like cake.

This year I have a scarily huge list of pretty small things, almost all of which I actually want to do, and if I don't want to do them as such, then I really want the result. I am hoping that many small achievable things will be an easier goal to achieve than one massive unrealistic thing to strive for.

I'm not going to share the entire list with you, but I will sketch out the main areas.


Primarily organizing, tidying, cleaning and then decorating.


My garden isn't quite a blank canvas, but it has no design to it, and it's mostly empty of plants. Going to remedy this. Also going to grow some more fruit and veg this year too.

Chloe and the Chimera

Going to be approaching selling my products in a different way this year, and also develop other areas of the business.


Sorting out my finances. Streamlining and saving.

Other Business

My partner and I are going to be developing some ideas together for things that we can turn in to 'our future'.

Body & Soul

The aim here is fitness and health. Although I have a final weight in mind, I am currently focusing on getting fitter, improving muscle tone, eating seasonally and fresh, cutting out as much processed and refined foods as possible. I also want to improve myself mentally in a variety of ways, from learning new things to sorting out my perception of myself and my life.


I made a start on many of these areas when I did a post on 4 simple goals to do before 2013. I mostly set my brain in the right direction rather than physically achieving these though, and although that doesn't sound like much, it's a huge leap in a way. I'm proud of how far I managed to go with these goals; I did all the ground work essentially for this list I'm working on now. I'm not proud of my lack of updates here though which is something I plan to address (see below.)

But I have begun on this enormous list. I have done a tonne of work in the garden; I've done a plan, and quite a bit of hard landscaping in preparation. I have attacked piles of paperwork that have been sitting about waiting to be dealt with for a year or more: this I think is good for both the house and my mind. I have organised my garage (workshop) in order to get back to work out there for Chloe and the Chimera. And, I have begun eating more healthily, and I've been exercising daily (oh and how I ache.)

I don't think I have ever been so proactive!

As hinted at, also on the list (under the Chloe and the Chimera heading) is so sort out this blog. As I mentioned when I first started it, I don't feel too confidant about my blogging abilities. I worry constantly about the lack of imagery I put in to posts, and when I do put my own images in, I worry about the quality. I worry about the tone, the quality of writing, the readership and blah de blah de blah. Which is all totally stupid isn't it? Blogs are supposed to be a personal expression aren't they? But I don't think a little structure will hurt. I am going to try to start regular posts, nothing too mental, seeing as I am addicted to pinterest (along with half the world) I might post my favourite pins of the week here (again, along with half of the world), I think I am also going to do regular updates of my resolutions list under the above headings. I going to put some effort in to planning another couple of regular posts to do to keep me on track too!

So there we have it. It looks like this is going to be one hell of a year for me!

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